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Ahoy Pipel! Welcome aboard! A warm and heartfelt welcome to all who've joined me here. Your presence is truly appreciated. Thank you!

Senin, 26 Juni 2023

Pelan Pelan Saja

At times, I find myself observing those around me with a sense of awe as they confidently surge forward, surpassing my own progress. It's as if I'm left standing in their shadow, witnessing them forge ahead. Despite my sincere efforts to keep up, I often feel exhausted and drained. However, in moments of deep reflection, I come to a profound realization: each individual possesses their unique journey and rhythm, dancing to their own beat, carving a distinct path through existence. It is not a mistake or a weakness to find myself a step behind or progressing at a slower pace. Rather, it serves as a gentle reminder to embrace my own unique journey and to honor the speed that feels right for me. With this newfound understanding, I make a heartfelt promise to myself to navigate life's journey with unwavering determination and purpose. "Pelan Pelan Saja" — a reminder to take things slowly and steadily.

still in nowhere,
Jun 2023

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