Penning Stories You'll Love to Read

Ahoy Pipel! Welcome aboard! A warm and heartfelt welcome to all who've joined me here. Your presence is truly appreciated. Thank you!


Ahoy, pipel!


Welcome aboard Sleepless Nights, a sanctuary where the depths of my mind unfurl and thoughts transform into a force that shapes our very existence. I am Moy Dewi, the fearless captain of this ship, and I invite you to embark on an extraordinary voyage with me. Together, we will navigate the vast ocean of ideas and emotions, discovering profound insights and hidden treasures along the way.


In this sacred space, I weave a tapestry of random personal thoughts (Thoughts) that dance through my mind. Here, vulnerability meets resilience, and contemplation becomes a gateway to understanding the intricacies of the human experience (especially mine). As I bare my soul, I hope to ignite a spark within the readers, encouraging introspection and fostering a deeper connection with your own thoughts and emotions.


Antara Kata is a lyrical odyssey, where the rhythmic cadence of words weaves stories that resonate deep within my soul. Through the power of words, I explore the nuances of love, heartbreak, resilience, and the ever-changing seasons of life. Allow the verses to transport you to ethereal realms and evoke emotions that defy explanation.


Memoirs is the thread that binds us all, and here I share intimate glimpses into my personal journey. From triumphs to trials, the highs and lows, I unveil the raw, unfiltered moments that shape who I am. May my vulnerability serve as a catalyst for self-reflection and ignite your own journey of self-discovery.


In Photocap, I freeze fragments of beauty and serendipity through the lens of my camera. Each photograph holds a story, an emotion, or a fleeting moment captured in time. Together, let us explore the world through my eyes, discovering the profound in the mundane and the extraordinary in the ordinary. You can also view my photo collection in my PHOTOGRAPHY.

At Sleepless Nights, my mission is to create a powerful and valuable experience for you. It is a sanctuary where thoughts intertwine, rhymes resonate, experiences unfold, photographs captivate, and travel becomes a transformative journey. I humbly invite you to be an active participant in this voyage—share your thoughts, engage in dialogue, and enrich our collective understanding. Here, you will find posts in both Indonesian and English (based on the writer's mood and preference for which language to write), allowing readers from diverse backgrounds to feel right at home.


Together, let us embrace the power of vulnerability, ignite the flames of inspiration, and unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within us all. Welcome aboard, fellow dreamer, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable expedition through the vast expanse of our shared humanity.


With love,

Moy Dewi