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Ahoy Pipel! Welcome aboard! A warm and heartfelt welcome to all who've joined me here. Your presence is truly appreciated. Thank you!

Rabu, 21 Juni 2023

Manusia Salah

I've come to realize that what I've been doing or how I've been living may not align with others' expectations or opinions. Deep down, I acknowledge that it may be considered wrong or unconventional. However, I kindly ask for your understanding and support in allowing me to be true to myself. It's crucial for my personal growth, well-being, and happiness that I embrace my own unique identity, values, and beliefs. By staying true to who I am, I can contribute my authentic self to the world around me. So, I kindly request you to let me be me, as it promotes acceptance, diversity, and the celebration of individuality. Is that okay with you?

21 June 2023

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