Penning Stories You'll Love to Read

Ahoy Pipel! Welcome aboard! A warm and heartfelt welcome to all who've joined me here. Your presence is truly appreciated. Thank you!

Rabu, 12 Juli 2023

Berjuang Seperti Ini


Currently, I am fighting hard to achieve the life I dream of. Others may see me as living an ordinary life, going with the flow without much excitement. But I want the world to know that I have fought with all my might.

Right now, I'm sitting in a coffee shop in Solo City. After preparing for something big in my future, I hope this time it brings positive results. Despite facing setbacks three times before, I won't give up. After a long day of work, I study diligently at night, preparing everything carefully. It has been tiring, but I realized I'm fighting this hard for a dream I truly desire. I've sacrificed a lot—time, energy, thoughts, and money. I stay up late and wake up early, sharpening my mind and fully “tirakat”. I'm ready to give it my all.

This is the best I can do right now. I feel like I've given everything I have. For those reading this, I want you to know that I fight this hard every day. Hopefully, one day we will see the results of my hard work. May all my efforts pay off. Thank you. I'll be right back!

July 12, 2023


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